How to Apply
The AOCS bio-repository is widely accessible to all investigators both nationally and internationally, following submission of a formal application and review by the AOCS Access Committee. Applications can be submitted at any time and our review process generally takes ~4 weeks. AOCS has established a unique bio-repository consisting of Bloods (serum, plasma, WBCs, blood product), Lymphoblastic Cell Lines (LCLs), Urine, Tissue – both fresh frozen and formalin-fixed material, Ascites, DNA, RNA, Tissue Microarrays (TMAs) and both extensive Clinical Follow-Up and Epidemiological data.
As biospecimens are a finite and non-renewable resource (with the exception of cell-lines), every effort is be made to extract the maximum amount of information from each specimen and to avoid duplication of effort. The unique combination of biological samples matched to extensive epidemiological, clinical and molecular genetic data available through AOCS makes this resource particularly valuable.
To apply to the AOCS Access Committee, please contact Nadia Traficante (Project Manager) at or on